ACO Press Conference: Friday 18 September at 16h40
Get an exclusive preview of the ACO’s official press conference that will be broadcast tomorrow at 16h40 on all our digital media platforms.
The health and safety measures in force mean that the traditional pre-race conference will be televised this year, rather than held before an invited audience. Speakers will include ACO president Pierre Fillon, Richard Mille, president of the FIA Endurance Commission, IMSA president John Doonan, and Gérard Neveu, CEO of the FIA World Endurance Championship. They will be joined by Jean-Michel Bouresche, H24Racing director, Norman Nato, H24Racing performance driver, ACO technical director Thierry Bouvet and Mat Kurdock, his counterpart at IMSA, and Christian Kopp, president and CEO of Plastic Omnium Clean Energy Systems. Several topics covering the immediate and long-term future will be discussed.
Don't miss it!
Friday 18 September at 16H30 CEST
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